Our services

We are innovative

In today's evolving business landscape, going the extra mile is essential to ensure customer satisfaction. At Indus Crops, we firmly believe that the quality of our services should match the quality of our products. We strive to provide our customers with confidence and foster long-term relationships. Throughout the year, we go beyond just selling rice. We offer our customers in-depth market knowledge, including pricing insights, supply and demand analysis, future price predictions, and reports on upcoming crops. By providing this information, we enable our customers to make informed decisions. Customer satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to resolving any issues promptly and efficiently. We maintain a trouble-free problem-solving environment, ensuring that our customers are happy and their needs are met. Additionally, we offer comprehensive supply chain management services to our customers. With our commitment to on-time delivery and third-party quality certifications, we ensure that every order is executed to the satisfaction of our customers.






Indus Crops (Pvt) Ltd buys paddy directly from the farmers on pre-announced specifications. Apart from prompt payments Indus Crops (Pvt) Ltd also offers to the farmers a premium over the prevailing market prices for adherence to Indus Crops specifications. Selection of paddy is a process where a rice mill needs to devote most of its energies, expertise and time. Quality of final product largely depends upon the paddy procured. Many rice mills avoid to indulge in such a laborious process and purchase semi-processed rice from brokers instead of paddy from farmers. Unfortunately, this cannot be done without compromising on quality.


Before start of milling, the paddy is once again cleaned in the mill house to ensure total elimination of any left over impurities by the pre-cleaning plant. To avoid breakage and damage to the delicate basmati grains Buhler’s Special Rubber Roll Hullers are employed in stages to separate brown rice from husk which is blown out by aspirators and any left over paddy grains in the brown rice are separated by Buhler table separators and brown rice is further screened by special width graders to remove unhealthy shriveled and green grains. The brown rice is than subjected to polishing operation.


Rice is first cleaned to remove impurities such as stones, dust, straw, and other foreign matter. This is usually done using cleaning machines or equipment.


Some varieties of rice undergo a polishing process to further enhance their appearance and remove any remaining bran particles. This step gives the rice a shiny and smooth surface. We have installed DSRS whiteness controllers on our polishing lines. These controllers accurately measure the whiteness of the rice during the processing stage. This allows our millers to maintain precise control over the milling operation, ensuring that the degree of polishing aligns with our customers’ specific requirements


The milled rice is then sorted and graded based on size, shape, and quality. This step involves removing broken grains, damaged grains, and other impurities using sorting machines or equipment.


Finally the double polished/Silky Head Rice is than led into three color sorting Machines to remove all damaged yellow & discolored grain. The Export Quality Sorted Rice is first collected in totally enclosed Rice Bins & is packed into bags through our automatic Gross Weigher for dispatches to our valued customers


The final step involves packaging the processed rice into bags, sacks, or containers for distribution and sale. Proper packaging helps protect the rice from moisture, pests, and damage.


Indus Crops Plant has a fully Computerized Monitoring System (PLC) and latest MYAF Yield System, which indicates minute to minute information about degree of polishing & Yields of Head Rice, Broken, By-Products, Bran, Husk & Impurities on Monitor Screens enabling our engineers & Millers to have absolute control over the quality of rice being produced in our Mill.

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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul